Drone Use in Reindeer Herding Provides New Possibilities

The Interreg Aurora funded small-scale project AirHerd was completed during 2024. The aim was to improve cross-border knowledge exchange about drone use in reindeer herding, and to co-create ideas for a large scale research project in the same field. The researchers found out that drone use could support the herders in finding and collecting animals […]
Developing micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs)

City of Alajärvi, photo Jussi Metsäpelto Partner search: Kaustinen Sub-region and JPYP, two regional development organizations operating in the rural areas of Central and Southern Ostrobothnia, are interested in joining or forming a consortium with like-minded partners within the framework of the Interreg Aurora programme. Both organizations work in regions characterized by a strong culture […]