Thank you for letting us know what you think about Interreg Aurora

Thank you for letting us know what you think about Interreg Aurora

In January 2024 the Interreg Aurora team sent out a digital survey to applicants and beneficiaries with questions about what you think about Interreg Aurora so far. Thank you for taking time to give valuable feed-back and suggestions for improvement. The answers from the survey will be used to improve our support tools and our information.

Here are some examples on improvements that has been made:

  • The Managing Authority has made a specific instruction for small-scale projects on how to submit the final report.
  • The Joint Secretariat works continuously with improving the project specific information at the start-up meetings with our approved projects.
  • The system Min Ansökan has been improved and many bugs are now solved. As an example, it is now easier for users to share access to an application with other users.
  • The Controllers has made 4 video tutorials regarding the payment application and they will offer Q&A webinars for approved projects.
  • We have improved our templates on the website.
  • The webinar about the Sustainable Development Goals for approved projects now includes a section with inspiring presentations with best practice from ongoing Interreg Aurora projects.
  • We have updated the Interreg Aurora project bank with information about the project categories and a function to sort the projects in alphabetical order. We are also working with adding contact information to all the projects.

We have got comments in the survey about the fact that the Programme Manual is web based. There are good reasons for this. The Interreg Aurora team works continuously with clarifying and improving the texts in the manual and during the progress of the programme it might be changes in the implementation. We don’t want you to have a not up to date printed version on your desk. We also want to highlight the aspect of green communication – less printed material means responsible consumption.

Tips! Have you discovered this page on our website Programme Manual – Interreg Aurora
On this page you can find info about the major changes made in the manual, abbreviations and a glossary that can be helpful.

The Interreg Aurora team aims to send out new surveys during 2025 and 2026 to get more guidance in how we can further improve our support tools. If you already now have something important you would like to share with us, you are of course always welcome to contact us or send us an e-mail

Tips! If you want to get to know the Interreg Aurora team better, you can find names, photos and contact information to the whole team on this webpage Contact us – Interreg Aurora

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Interreg Cooperation Day Open Doors at Centria in Kokkola, Finland

Let’s celebrate cooperation across borders!

From 21 September for a month every year, Interreg comes together to celebrate cooperation across borders, regions, rivers, mountains and even bureaucracies with events taking