Our Precious transboundary waters

Together we keep the salmon parasite out of northern waters

Atlantic salmon have no resistance to Gyrodactylus Salaris parasite. Therefore, the spread of this salmon parasite to the northern rivers would be fatal for salmon stocks that are already in trouble. Boats, canoes, and all fishing equipment and accessories brought to the water areas of Upper Lapland must be completely dry or disinfected before using them.

The Interreg Aurora funded project Our Precious transboundary waters aims to solve shared problems by developing joint tools that is needed in a joint water management of the Pasvik, Neiden and Tana regions. Protecting Tana and Neiden Rivers’ waters from the spread of G. Salaris parasite is of the utmost importance, and everyone’s contribution to this prevention work is valuable. On May 30 2024,  the project arranged a workshop in Utsjoki where ways of communicating and disseminating information were devised. Information is needed so that the means to prevent the spread of the parasite are known and available to both locals and those staying and visiting Northern Lapland.

Learn more about the project

Tana River 30th May 2024

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Interreg Cooperation Day Open Doors at Centria in Kokkola, Finland

Let’s celebrate cooperation across borders!

From 21 September for a month every year, Interreg comes together to celebrate cooperation across borders, regions, rivers, mountains and even bureaucracies with events taking