Interreg Aurora approves 15 new cross-border projects, June 2024

Interreg Aurora approves 15 new cross-border projects

The two Interreg Aurora Steering Committees, for sub-area Sápmi and sub-area Aurora, have met for the fourth time in the funding period of 2021-2027. The meeting was held the 12-13 June 2024 in Bodø/Budejju/Bådåddjo. Eilen Zakariassen from Nordland fylkeskommune welcomed the Committees to the first European Capital of Culture north of the Arctic Circle and gave a presentation about Nordland, a thriving industrial and creative region.


The Steering Committees approved 15 new projects in this fourth call for regular project applications. More than 9 million euro was allocated to cross-border activities that will support sustainable development and improve our daily lives in many different ways.

The Steering Committee for sub-area Sápmi, Interreg AuroraThe Steering Committee for sub-area Sápmi approved two projects. The project Indigenous Digital Storytelling with New Media aims to provide education and tools to Sámi communities to develop and present the culture and traditions in the new media landscape. The other approved project is Oummu pâ’jjel raaj (People cross the borders) that aims is to strengthen the Skolt Sámi language and establish a common language arena for Skolt Sámi living in Norway and Finland.

Nilla Tapiola, Chair of the Steering Committee for sub-area Sápmi was happy that the two important projects for the Sámi communities was approved. Nilla highlighted the importance of increasing the number of Sami applications for the upcoming calls. Therefore, the Steering Committee for sub-area Sápmi has decided to write a proposal to the Interreg Aurora Monitoring Committee and the European Commission to raise the financing rate for Sámi organisations. These organisations are small organisations with limited financial resources. The Steering Committee for sub-area Sápmi also want to highlight the importance of the members being able to use Sámi language in Interreg Aurora Steering Committee meetings.

Päivi Ekdahl, Chair of the Steering Committee for sub-area Aurora emphasized the importance of the face-to-face discussions in a confidential atmosphere in the joint Committee with Finnish, Swedish and Norwegian representatives. The members do not always think alike, but they find joint solutions. After thorough discussions, the Steering Committee for sub-area Aurora decided to approve 13 regular projects in the fourth call.

One of the approved projects is Torne Valley Dipnet that aims to preserve and promote the hundreds of years old cultural heritage of Dipnet fishing for coming generations. The living cultural heritage is a vital part of the Torne River Valley identity.

The project ProWater is addressing the challenges in the utilization of industrial side products in the wastewater treatment sector. The project implementation will support the transition to a climate-neutral and circular economy.

One of the approved research and innovation projects is RESILIFY that will make an in-depth investigation of the needs for energy storage solutions. The project partners will form an overview of the technical and supportive actors and networks that are available for the implementation of energy storage solutions.

The project NORTHDIVeRSITY will develop and standardized eDNA sampling and processing methods tailored to Northern habitats and species. The goal is to increase stakeholders awareness of eDNA’s methods and monitoring possibilities.

Best wishes for a successful cross-border cooperation to all the new approved Interreg Aurora projects.

The European Commission has invited all Interreg Programmes to run a consultation with stakeholders to get input for future programme periods, Interreg post 2027. During the meeting the Managing Authority organised a workshop with the Steering Committee members, they contributed with valuable input to the future of the Interreg Aurora programme.

Consultation Interreg Aurora post 2027      Consultation Interreg Aurora post 2027

Interreg Aurora will open new calls for project applications in the autumn of 2024. A call for small-scale project applications opens in August and a call for regular project applications opens in September. Read more about upcoming calls and terms of reference.

List of prioritized projects

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