The Interreg Aurora funded small-scale project ForestEcoSecurity ran between 2024-03-01 – 2024-09-30. The project reviewed Nordic Boreal young forest study results of digital tools for pre-planning of cutting areas, mechanical harvesting work methods and technologies, monitoring of wood procurement resourcing and transfer of research and development knowledge to practical implementers and forest owners. ForestEcoSecurity have compiled existing Nordic R&D data for planning and implementing of young forests methods and technology.
The project took the young forest management problems of Nordic Boreal Forestry area and shifted them into opportunities for forest owners. Based on the results, the project built future management development strategy steps which will turn in higher forest owners’ forest use with higher sustainability indexes.
The cross-border cooperation in the small-scale project ForestEcoSecurity has increased the forest owner’s and practical forest professional’s young forest management planning and implementing knowledge.
During the project, the project partners made a preliminary plan for Interreg Aurora Regular Scale project.
“ForestEcoSecurity was a good project to do a broad synthesis of past research and future needs, because we had a very good partner (SLU) in this, with whom we have collaborated for years in research and development of young forest management. The most important result was the future research- and development needs, on the basis of which we made a new Regular-project plan and its application” says Yrjö Nuutinen, Project Manager at LUKE for ForestEcoSecurity.
Read more about the small-scale project ForestEcoSecurity.
Fact sheet about ForestEcoSecurity.
Read the small-scale project report.