Project communication – implementation phase

All Interreg Aurora projects are responsible for informing of support received from the European Regional Development Fund according to the regulations. Visibility requirements apply to all printed and digital material/products, websites, social media, use of influencers, exhibitions, roll-ups, newsletters, events, and presentations at conferences. The Interreg Aurora programme is monitoring communication activities and the mandatory publicity requirements through the projects progress reports and the final report.

Note! If projects fail to comply with the regulations regarding visibility despite having received guidance from the Managing Authority and where remedial actions have not been put into place it can lead to cuts in funding. It can lead to cuts up to 2% in funding.

Mandatory visibility requirements for all projects

  1. Logo
    Projects must use the Interreg Aurora programme logo on all printed and digital material/products. The logo can be downloaded from the programme website together with guidance on how to use it Interreg Aurora logotype – Interreg Aurora

    The emblem must be visible and prominently featured. If additional logos are displayed, the emblem (the EU flag) must be of at least the same height or width as the largest of the other logos. The Interreg Aurora Managing Authority also provides each approved project a logo with the project name as an annexed element.

  1. Poster or a durable plaques/billboard
    All project partners in both small-scale and regular projects must, during the project duration, publicly display at their location at least one poster with information about the Interreg Aurora funding. This must be a printed poster of a minimum A3 size or equivalent electronic display.

    The Interreg Aurora programme Communication Officer will provide a specific poster to each approved project. The Lead partner must provide information to the poster, you find more information on the webpage Mandatory poster – Interreg Aurora

    If your project has total costs that exceeds 100 000 EUR and involves physical investments or purchase of equipment that will last longer than the project duration, you must display durable plaques or billboards that are clearly visible to the public. Plaques and billboards are to be made of durable material that enables long lasting display. The plaque/billboard must display the emblem of the Union in accordance with the regulations. The plaque/billboard can replace the mandatory poster described above. You can use the template for the poster to produce the plaque/billboard.

  1. Websites and social media
    All project partners must include information about funding from EU and Interreg Aurora on their official website and social media sites if such exist. The Interreg Aurora logo must be included. This should take the format of a short description of the project, including its aims and results as well as highlighting the financial support received from Interreg Aurora.

    Each project will have a dedicated project subpage hosted on the Interreg Aurora programme website. When approved, projects are required to provide information to the webpage. You find more information on the webpage Interreg Aurora project bank and – Interreg Aurora

    Norwegian project partners must fill in a project information form for
    You find more information on the webpage Interreg Aurora project bank and – Interreg Aurora
  1. Operation of Strategic Importance
    If the total costs of a project exceed EUR 5 000 000 or a project is approved as an Operation of Strategic Importance, the project partners must organize a communication event and involve the European Commission and Interreg Aurora Managing Authority in a timely manner. Projects that will be considered as an Operation of Strategic Importance (OSI) will receive adequate communication support from the Managing Authority.

Open access to all results
Results of all Interreg Aurora funded projects must be openly accessible, the results must be free of charge and available to anyone.

Research results must be available free of charge to anyone on the Internet. Any articles or publication included when reporting on a grant from Interreg Aurora must be published with open access. Only articles or publications that are published with open access will be accepted when reporting project activities and expenditure. Potential additional costs for publishing should be estimated when applying for a grant. All projects are responsible for informing about support received from the EU and Interreg Aurora on all digital and printed articles and publications. As an example, add a sentence in the preface that refer that the work on the article has been funded by the European Union and Interreg Aurora. If possible, add the Interreg Aurora logo.

Interactive exchange with the Interreg Aurora programme
The Interreg Aurora programme aims to create an interactive exchange regarding communication with the funded projects. The programme promotes sustainable communication, accessibility and encourages projects to take part in European campaigns, events, and competitions.

The Managing Authority and the Joint Secretariat supports projects in fulfilling visibility requirements by providing guidance and feedback. Activities are coordinated by the Interreg Aurora Communication Officer. In addition to this Programme Manual, a Communication toolkit and Communication guide, is available on the programme website

The Communication guide clarifies the communication requirements stipulated in the EU regulations and the specific requirements for the Interreg Aurora programme.

Promotional material/giveaways
Due to the sustainable profile of the Aurora programme, promotional material/giveaways such as bags, pens, notebooks, USB sticks, etc. should only be produced if there is a need for a very specific communication activity that is clearly explained and justified.

When organizing events projects must ensure visibility of the EU and the Interreg Aurora funding.

If the project partners present the Interreg Aurora funded project at external conferences/events the project partners must ensure visibility of the Interreg Aurora funding in the agenda/programme and presentation.

Representatives from projects are expected to attend events organized by the programme and European institutions, such as seminars for approved projects, training seminars, thematic events, and European communication campaigns. The programme may ask the project representatives to present their project, results, and achievements at events.

Media relations
The programme encourages all projects to inform the public about their activities and achievements through media. When preparing material for the media, projects need to highlight the cross-border cooperation and the EU support received from the Interreg Aurora programme.

Note! All communication and visibility material produced in a project financed by the Interreg Aurora programme shall be made available for use by the Managing Authority and the Union institutions, bodies, offices, or agencies upon their request.

Programme manual