New Interreg Aurora regions, Kainuu and Pohjois-Karjala

Autumn greetings from Interreg Aurora

The Interreg Aurora team is looking forward to a busy and interesting autumn with a lot of cross border cooperation activities.

Tina Nilsson has started her new position as Programme Director of the Interreg Aurora programme. “A lot of work has been done to set up the Aurora programme. Now the programme is up and running and we have had two calls for applications. The interest for the programme has been great. The Aurora team is constantly working to improve our services to applicants and beneficiaries. This autumn we will inform about the programme and its funding possibilities in several events throughout the programme area”, says Tina Nilsson.

The Interreg Aurora programme has so far approved 55 cross border cooperation projects that will support sustainable development. You can get to know the funded projects on our webpage

The programme opens the next call for new applications tomorrow, the September 5. The call closes October 10, 2023. A date is also set for the upcoming 4th call (February 5 – March 5, 2024). Applications for regular projects are welcome during the open calls. Small-scale project applications can be submitted at any time. Ian Jawahir from the Norwegian Managing Organisation has good news, the Norwegian IR-funding will increase this year.

We would also like to share the exciting news that the Managing Authority is preparing a programme amendment. The proposal is an enlargement of the programme area with two new Finnish regions, Kainuu and Pohjois-Karjala. The amendment is initiated by the Finnish ministry and will be sent to the European Commission in the end of September for final decision.

Region Mayor Pentti Malinen from the Regional Council of Kainuu says that the “Interreg Aurora programme opens new opportunities for actors from Kainuu to engage directly in practical project cooperation with partners in neighboring regions in north Sweden and north Norway. Cross border cooperation among the Northern sparsely populated areas has long had good traditions and experiences, for example, in promoting joint interests in the EU and in the implementation of various development projects. More funding for projects related to the development needs of border regions has been transferred to the Aurora programme due to the changed geopolitical situation”.

Region Mayor Markus Hirvonen from Pohjois-Karjala also says that “we are really excited about joining the Interreg Aurora programme. Northern Finland, Sweden and Norway are important cooperation areas for us. We hope that we will find many new partners and together we can develop the Interreg Aurora programme area in several themes such as research, education, business life, environment, youth, and culture”.

This autumn the Interreg Aurora team is coming to Oulu November 27-28, 2023. The topics on the agenda are:
♦ Experience exchange and best practice for ongoing Interreg Aurora projects
♦ Meet new project partners, network, and share your ideas for cross border cooperation.

The Interreg Aurora team hopes to meet you in Oulu.

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Interreg Cooperation Day Open Doors at Centria in Kokkola, Finland

Let’s celebrate cooperation across borders!

From 21 September for a month every year, Interreg comes together to celebrate cooperation across borders, regions, rivers, mountains and even bureaucracies with events taking