The Arctic fox is endangered in Norway, Sweden, and Finland. In the Interreg Aurora funded project “Felles Fjellrev – Together for the Arctic fox”, public authorities, researchers, and NGOs will join forces to strengthen populations shared by all three countries. The project will focus on conservation measures for the Arctic fox, but also on outreach activities to create awareness, involve more interest groups, and improve information availability. Communication campaigns and GPS collaring will, for example, be used to address problems associated with competitors such as the red fox that benefit from climate change and human littering. There are many target groups in the project, e.g. the general public, Sámi communities, wildlife managers, researchers, and visitors of the programme area. Conservation measures, such as captive breeding, genetic monitoring, and supplementary feeding will be evaluated and improved to increase Arctic fox survival, interconnect subpopulations, streamline management, and build habitat models (create management tools). The project will also screen for diseases and parasites, and develop contingency plans, to combat potential outbreaks driven by climate change and invasive species.
For more information visit the project website
David Bell, project manager, Länsstyrelsen i Norrbottens län,