Young forests account for a substantial part of the Nordic boreal forest and their management lays the base for future forestry. Traditionally, management of young stands have mainly aimed to secure future revenues through outtake of saw-timber and pulpwood and residual biomass for bio-energy. The goals of forestry have diversified strongly in recent decades, emphasizing the whole spectrum of ecosystem services provided by forests, e.g. carbon sequestration and biodiversity.
The Interreg Aurora funded project NordicForestry aims to explore and provide options of young forest management methods and technologies that meet the forest owners perceptions and objectives. It also provides decision-making tools that support both forest owners and service providers, and in-directly other stakeholders such as reindeer husbandry. The projects cross- and within-border cooperation between research, practitioners and education constitutes knowledge transfer network, which will continue to operate after the project.
Contact: Yrjö Nuutinen, project manager, LUKE,