Hydrogen economy is seen as one of the most promising solutions towards a sustainable energy supply. It has become the key technology of the energy transition with an enormous strategic importance for Europe. Hydrogen is also a critical factor in the development of the industrial cluster in the Bothnia Bay region to maintain competitive and sustainable activities. A sustainable H2 economy would enable significant business opportunities and a large reduction in carbon emissions in the programme area.
The Interreg Aurora funded project Sustainable Hydrogen, H2SUS focuses on complete sustainable hydrogen value chains from H2 production to its storage and industrial use. New long-term technical solutions are developed for renewable hydrogen production by photocatalysis and methane pyrolysis. The project focuses also on biomass gasification and process integration for enabling the production of hydrogen-rich syngas. Sustainable Hydrogen cooperates with local industries for replacing fossil reducers and fuels with renewable hydrogen.
System analysis tools are used for giving a holistic knowledge on how a long-term robust and sustainable H2 energy ecosystem can be developed around the Bothnia Bay. The project H2SUS fosters knowledge transfer and information sharing between the stakeholders in ecosystem events, press releases and scientific publications. Overall, the expertise of the project group and stakeholders enables to strengthen the role of the program region in H2 economy and helps to achieve the EU sustainability targets by 2030 and 2050.
Contact: irja.ruokamo@oulu.fi