The Gulf of Bothnia is on a global scale a unique brackish water area that is separated from the rest of the Baltic sea by a ridge formation at the bottom of the sea. So far, the water quality of the Gulf of Bothnia has been better than in the rest of the Baltic Sea but it has been estimated that climate change will affect the Gulf of Bothnia more than the rest of the Baltic Sea, which will accelerate the eutrophication of the Gulf as nutrients enter the sea from the Gulf area.
The Interreg Aurora funded project SustainableNutrients intends to develop methods to remove nutrients from agricultural waters. Overall objective of this project is to develop combination methods for nutrient removal, which could in long-term help to reduce the nutrients loads of Baltic Sea.
The main target group of the project is agricultural producers in Northern Finland and Sweden. The project results will be advertised on the project owners’ homepages and on social media. Results will be published in national newspapers, industry specific journals as well as in open access scientific journals. The project will present results at seminars, webinars, workshops and local conferences.
Contact information:
Janne Pesonen, University of Oulu,
Francesco Gentili, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences,
Anna Tervonen, Kajaani University of Applied Sciences,