Felles Fjellrev- together for the arctic fox

Arctic fox pups from breeding program released into the wild equipped with GPS transmitters

For the first time, pups from the Arctic fox breeding program run by the Norwegian Institute for Nature Research (NINA) was released into the wild equipped with GPS transmitters. This is to provide researchers with valuable knowledge in the work of saving the highly endangered species in Norway, Sweden and Finland. The young Arctic foxes were released in February 2025 in the mountain area around Sylarna in Sweden. The GPS transmitters will send information to the researchers until October, when the collars will automatically open and fall off.

The GPS transmitters are funded through the Interreg Aurora project Felles fjellrev – Together for the arctic fox. In the cross-border project public authorities, researchers, and NGOs in Norway, Sweden and Finland have joined forces to strengthen populations shared by all three countries.

Felles Fjellrev -Together for the artctic fox


Read more about the release of Arctic fox pups:
Fjällrävsvalpar utsläppta – spåras med GPS – Världsnaturfonden WWF
GPS-utrustade valpar bidrar till bevarandet av fjällräven | Länsstyrelsen Jämtland
GPS avslører fjellrevens hemmeligheter

Photos: NINA/Craig Jackson och Kristine Roaldsnes Ulvund

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