Juniper berries

Cross-border cooperation results in valuable insights in northern herb and spice farming

The northern regions of Sweden and Finland have a variety of exciting herbs, each uniquely adapted to the demanding climate. These herbs not only contribute to the biodiversity but also present opportunities for diverse culinary and medicinal applications.

Among these herb varieties, juniper berries is an example of a unique ingredient with multiple applications that has potential on the global market. Juniper berries is a culinary spice and is also used in beverages, particularly in gin production.

The Interreg Aurora funded small-scale project HERBS has studied the market, production, and investigated the interest of small entrepreneurs in northern herb and spice farming. Knowledge sharing by cross-border cooperation contributed to finding best practices concerning herb and spice farming and further production in the northern areas of Finland and Sweden.

The project partners Oulun ammattikorkeakoulu and Sveriges Lantbruksuniversitet has contacted and visited herb entrepreneurs. The project partners also made surveys about the herb growing situation, opportunities, and markets in the programme area. The Central Union of Agricultural and Forest Producers in Finland and Sveriges Lantbruksuniversitet in Sweden conducted the surveys that provided valuable insights.

The small-scale project HERBS resulted in a regular Interreg Aurora project application with a new project partnership. The new project application is focusing on sustainable, practical, and effective herb and spice plant growing in the northern rural areas. The project partners decided to include the market for wild herbs and unusual mushrooms. This was the result of stakeholders recognizing new opportunities and interests in these fields.

Read the Market survey, Finland
Read the Market survey, Sweden


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