Innovation in urban planning

Four Key Themes for Innovation in Urban Planning

“To run a cross-border project together with institutions in Ostrobothnia, Finland, has been so rewarding. The best thing about our collaboration has been how we have helped each other to see ourselves and our practices, a breeding ground for creating change. It has been enjoyable to share, and with many laughs and new insights, we have approached a common vision for a socially sustainable community building” says Jennie Olofsson, Project manager.

The Interreg Aurora funded small-scale project 
Innovation in Urban Planning examined urban planning processes in Härnösand, Sweden, and Nykarleby, Finland, focusing on digital transformation and citizen dialouge. It identified the need for strategies and digital solutions to enhance democracy, inclusion, and governance. Data was collected through interviews and meetings with stakeholders, resulting in visualizations and analysis for comparison. Cross-border cooperation was emphasized, fostering idea exchange and technology testing.

Four key themes emerged: strategies, dialogue and participation, competence/capacity, and technology.

The project supports UN SDG 16 (Promoting peaceful and inclusive societies) by increasing transparency and satisfaction in urban planning, creating new dialogue forums, and promoting digital tools for citizen engagement.

The exit strategy involves implementing identified strategies and solutions within the four themes, in future projects, seeking funding for major development, and focusing on integrating urban planning with broader strategies. The aim is to improve dialogue, strengthen technical infrastructure, and promote innovation for sustainable development.

Read more about the results of the small-scale project Innovation in Urban Planning.

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