SDG webinar march 2025

INTERREG AURORA WEBINAR: Equal and Inclusive Communication & Sustainability Practices

INTERREG AURORA WEBINAR: Equal and Inclusive Communication & Sustainability Practices
11 March 9.00-11.00 CET

In this webinar you will get to listen to four ongoing Interreg Aurora projects and also get inspiration from our invited speaker The Gender Photographer.

UN Sustainable Development Goals

Tobias Björkskog, Borderless Game Academy
Working with the SDGs in game educations & game industry.

Mari Viinikainen, MÁHTUT – Sámi knowledge and practices in the era of the green transition 
In this presentation, I will explore the meaning of SDGs 12 and 15 within the context of the MÁHTUT project.

Nurul Huda Mahmood & Aamir Mahmood, RemotE seNsing and data fuSion integration for IndUstrial logistics in Rural ArEas with 6G (ENSURE-6G)
Why and how we should integrate UN SDGs in our everyday work and how to effectively communicate it.

Ilona Grekelä and Tiia Kalske, Our Precious Transboundary Waters
Joint Finnish Norwegian water catchment management, conserving biodiversity, improving the quality, and living conditions in the North – how Sustainable Development goals 6, 15 and 17 are emerging in concreate actions.

Tomas Gunnarsson, The Gender Photographer
Images and language can perpetuate or challenge gender stereotypes and exclusionary norms – becoming aware of how they do so is the first step toward creating equal and inclusive communication.

The webinar is open to everyone. Register by sending an e-mail to

NOTE! For those of you that just got a project approved in call 5, we will meet allready at 8.30 and start with a short information from the Joint Secretariat on sustainability requirements in implementing and reporting your project (see invitation by e-mail).

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