Hydropower dams in the Pasvik river have prevented the geneflow between Inari Lake and Pasvik river brown trout populations. The Interreg Aurora funded project Our Precious Transboundary Waters is investigating the genetics of Pasvik-Inari area brown trout populations.
Norwegian Institute of Bioeconomy Research (NIBIO) and Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke) are investigating the brown trout genetic diversity, harmonising laboratory procedures, adapting a novel genetic SNP-library and looking into the stocking programs and how cross-border fisheries management and conservation of migratory fish can be improved.
Electrofishing on Juutuanjoki river. The juvenile brown trout are brought to the farm to grow. In this way, the broodstock is obtained, which is used to produce the fish to be introduced to the Inari Lake. Only local natural fish stocks are used in the stocking to protect the hereditary background. The project studies how the broodstock should be established and how the genetic diversity is considered in crossings. Photos by Sari Raineva/Luke
Nico Alioravainen (Luke) is presenting the project in European Inland Fisheries and Aquaculture Advisory Commission’s symposium in Pula, Croatia in October 2024. Photo by Nico Alioravainen/Luke
The Interreg Aurora project Our Precious Transboundary Waters is appointed an Operation of Strategic Importance. Read more about the project.