Meet Åsa Ericson, Professor Information systems, Luleå University of Technology

Meet Åsa Ericson, Professor Information systems, Luleå University of Technology

People are the foundation of all cross-border cooperation. Interreg Aurora is happy to present the people and different professions working across borders with the aim to improve our daily lives.

Meet Åsa Ericson, Professor Information systems, Luleå University of Technology

In a world of hackers and harmful software, threats to digital security never cease
I have a research background in both engineering design and user experience. Today my research addresses the interaction between humans, technology, and organisations.

Meet Åsa Ericson, Professor Information systems, Luleå University of TechnologyCross-border cooperation confirms and enriches
I have been working in Interreg projects for several years and I find it awarding in many ways. It is great because you get acknowledgements from peers across borders. This boosts your confidence and makes you feel like part of a great team. You also get challenged by friendly colleagues, which makes you engage in lifelong learning that makes your skills progress.

Contributing to companies’ competitiveness
I’m part of the team in the Interreg Aurora funded project ISSUES, that works to improve system design for information security for micro-, small, and medium-sized companies. The project combines the technological cybersecurity skills of the University of Applied Sciences Centria in Ylivieska and the human-centred approach to service design at the Luleå University of Technology. By combining these skills, the project contributes to increasing know-how that makes an important difference in companies’ capacity to internationalize and grow.

Creating user-oriented solutions
First and foremost, I’m happy to meet many females in leading positions in information security in organisations. I think it is time for leadership and a people perspective to become central to building an information security culture at all levels of an organisation. We rely on technology to solve all problems but forget to create user-oriented solutions.

ISSUESLearn more about the Interreg Aurora funded project ISSUES

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Interreg Aurora information event in Kajaani 14 February 2025

Tervetuloa Kainuun liiton järjestämään Interreg Aurora ohjelman rahoitusinfoon ystävänpäivänä 14.2.2025 Kajaanin ammattikorkeakoululle! Tilaisuudessa Interreg Aurora-sihteeristön asiantuntija Niko Auer kertoo 17.2.2025 aukeavista pienhankkeiden ja regular-hankkeiden hakukierroksista.