The broad use of products containing per- and poly-fluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) has led to the global contamination of the environment, including soil and water. PFAS are synthetic chemicals that are extremely difficult to break down, thus new technologies are needed to eliminate these persistent chemicals in the environment. The main objective of the Interreg Aurora […]

Boosting Space Business – the Aurora Region Space Economy Ecosystem (AuroraSpace)

Boosting Space Business - the Aurora Region Space Economy Ecosystem (AuroraSpace)

Photo: European Space Agency The Interreg Aurora funded project Boosting Space Business – the Aurora Region Space Economy Ecosystem (AuroraSpace) main objective is to boost space business and therefore enhance the space innovation ecosystem. The goal is that in the end of the project, an evolved space innovation ecosystem will exist that supports smart specialization […]

Regenerative nature tourism – REGGAE


Traveling can have a positive or devastating impact on a nature destination and its surrounding society, depending on the design of tourist experiences and services. International trends indicate that travelers are increasingly conscious of sustainability issues and require experiences that fills these needs, which can be seen in the growing slow adventure tourism flows. The […]

ReCap ASáp – Regaining capacity in a changing Sápmi

ReCap ASáp

The aim of the Interreg Aurora funded project ReCap ASáp, Regaining capacity in a changing Sápmi, is to seek measures for Sámi society to become robust and resilient in times of rapid change. The project will strengthen Sámi civil society’s opportunities to participate in the societal debate on the needs of Sámi development. The project […]



Where water is shared between two or more countries, the same threats to the environment is shared. In the Interreg Aurora funded project Our Precious transboundary waters the aim of the cooperation is solving the shared problems by developing joint tools that is needed in a joint water management of the Pasvik, Neiden and Tana […]