Calls for applications

You can find the terms for each specific call for applications on this webpage. It is important that you always read and check the terms of reference before applying!

The terms of reference for each call states if there are any limitations, such as:
– closed Priorities and/or Specific Objectives
– financial limitations and accessible funding to apply
– other specific conditions related to the progress of the Interreg Aurora programme.

The table below indicates how much ERDF-funding is available for Swedish and Finnish project partners.

The Interreg financing for Norwegian project partners is allocated in yearly budgets. Available IR-funding for 2025 is approximately 3,1 MEUR.

Figures last updated in January, 2025. 

Available funds, January 2025

Small-scale projects will be prioritised by the Steering Committees in written procedures about 2 months after the closing of a call. Regular projects will be prioritised by the Steering Committes in meetings about 3 months after the closing of a call.  

Interreg Aurora calls for applications for small-scale and regular projects are announced on this webpage and on the programme’s social media channels.  You can find all the information about how to apply in the Interreg Aurora Programme manual

Timetable of the planned calls for proposals, CPR article 49
(open machine-readable format, updated 8 October 2024) 

Calls for small-scale projects

This call only regards Clustering projects within the framework of Interreg Arctic Cooperation.

The cluster call is open for applications within sub-area Aurora and sub-area Sápmi.

Interreg Aurora will not support Operations of Strategic Importance in the cluster call.

The partnership in a cross-border cluster project must consist of :

– At least one partner from an ongoing or finalized project funded by the 2021-2027 Interreg Aurora programme and

– At least one partner from an ongoing or finalized project financed by the 2021-2027 Northern Periphery and Arctic programme.

The partners in a cross-border cluster project need to fulfil the Interreg Aurora programme requirements for eligible partners. 

Cluster projects shall be applied within priority 4.1 Better and more sustainable cross-border cooperation and operate within one of the following themes:

– SME competitiveness – Applications with a focus on culture and sustainable tourism are especially welcome

– Circular economy

– Climate change adaptation, nature protection and biodiversity

Read more about Interreg Arctic Cooperation

  • The expected outcome of a cluster project is for example:
    – Transfer of project outputs to other organisations, sectors and/or regions.
    – Maximizing cross-border/transnational impact of existing outputs on local level, to end users or widening the preparedness for cooperation to other beneficiaries.
    – Increasing the awareness of the cross-border/transnational added value and the potential of cooperation.
    – Improving (the uptake of) project outputs.

The cross-border cluster projects will be handled through a written procedure by the Steering Committees – prel. 12th of Nov – 25th of Nov 2025.

The Norwegian budget for small-scale projects is limited by year. Available amounts that is possible to apply for will be decided by the Norwegian Managing Organisation when yearly budgets are known and will be updated after decisions on approved small-scale projects.

Depending on the status after each call, the MA and the NMO may decide on further limitations in the amounts that are possible to apply for regarding both IR-funding and EU-funding.

Do you have a project idea?
If you have a Clustering project idea, the next step is to find the right partners to start the cooperation! 

Use this project idea template to present the project to potential partners, or to receive advice from the Interreg NPA and Interreg Aurora teams.

Applications for Small-scale projects within sub-area Sápmi are specifically welcomed in this call.

Sub-area Sápmi:
All Priorities and Specific Objectives will be open for project applications regarding EU-funding and IR-funding.

Sub-area Aurora: Specific objective 1.1 Research and innovation in sub-area Aurora is closed regarding EU-funding and IR-funding.

Small-scale projects will be prioritised by the Steering Committees for sub-area Aurora and sub-area Sápmi by a written procedure prel. 28 April – 12 May 2025.

The earliest start date for an SSP in this call is the 1 June 2025.

The Norwegian budget for small-scale projects is limited by year. Available amounts that is possible to apply for will be decided by the Norwegian Managing Organisation when yearly budgets are known and will be updated after decisions on approved small-scale projects.

Call 3. Open 12 August – 6 September, 2024

Applications for Small-scale projects within sub-area Sápmi are specifically welcomed in this call.

Sub-area Sápmi:
All Priorities and Specific Objectives will be open for project applications regarding EU-funding and IR-funding.

Sub-area Aurora:
Specific objective 1.1 Research and innovation in sub-area Aurora is closed regarding EU-funding and IR-funding.

The earliest start date for an Small-scale project in this call is the 1 November 2024.

Small-scale projects will be prioritised by the Steering Committees for sub-area Aurora and sub-area Sápmi by a written procedure. 

The Norwegian funding for small-scale projects is limited. The total amount of Norwegian IR-funding possible to allocate to small-scale projects applied for during 2024 is 50 000 EUR. (500 000 NOK). The maximum amount of IR-funding for one project is up to 10 000 euro and shall be based on a specified draft budget in the application.

CLOSED! Call 2. Open 2 January – 2 February 2024

The small-scale project call  is for all priorities. Small-scale projects will be prioritised by the Steering Committees for sub-area Aurora and sub-area Sápmi by a written procedure. 

The Norwegian funding for small-scale projects is limited. The total amount of Norwegian IR-funding possible to allocate to small-scale projects applied for during 2024 is 50 000 EUR. (500 000 NOK). The maximum amount of IR-funding for one project is up to 10 000 euro and shall be based on a specified draft budget in the application.

Until November 2023 the programme had an ongoing open call for small-scale projects, meaning applications could be submitted at any time. In late November 2023 the Montoring Committe decided on a new process with specific calls for small-scale projects. So, from December 2023 the ongoing call for small-scale projects is closed.

Calls for regular projects

The seventh call for project proposals of the Interreg Aurora Programme 2021- 2027 will be open from the 8 September until the 6 October 2025. Applications will be accepted until 24:00 (CET) the 6 October. However, the recommendation is to submit applications during business hours, when it is possible to get support. 

General terms: 

  • A regular project can apply: 

– a maximum of 50% of Norwegian costs but no more than 200 000 EUR (2 mill. NOK) from the IR-funding

– a maximum of 65% of EU-partners costs (so far no limit in the amount for the EU-funding).

  • Depending on the status after call 5 and 6, the MA and the NMO may decide on further limitations in the amounts that are possible to apply for regarding both IR-funding and EU-funding. 
  • Interreg Aurora will support Operations of Strategic Importance.
  • The last possible end date for project durations is the 31 December 2028.

Specific terms for call 7: 

  • Sub-area Sápmi: All Priorities and Specific Objectives will be open for project applications regarding EU-funding and IR-funding.
  • Sub-area Aurora: All Priorities and Specific Objectives will be open for project applications regarding EU-funding and IR-funding.
  • Applications within Priority 1; Specific objective 1.1 (Smart specialization, research and innovation) will receive one extra point in the assessment if they work with: 

– Research and innovation activities in small and medium-sized enterprises, including networking

  • Applications within Priority 1; Specific objective 1.2 (Competitiveness of SMEs) will receive one extra point in the assessment if they work with:

– SME business development and internationalisation, including productive investments

  • Applications within Priority 2; Specific objective 2.1 (Climate change adaptation) will receive one extra point in the assessment if they work with:

– Water management and water resource conservation (including river basin management, specific climate change adaptation measures, reuse, leakage reduction)

  • Applications within Priority 2; Specific objective 2.2 (Nature protection and biodiversity) will receive one extra point in the assessment if they work with:

– Air quality and noise reduction measures
– Protection, restoration and sustainable use of Natura 2000 sites

  • Applications within Priority 2; Specific objective 2.3 (Sustainable mobility) will receive one extra point in the assessment if they work with:

– Clean urban transport infrastructure that enables the operation of zero-emission
– Digitalisation of transport when dedicated in part to greenhouse gas emissions reduction: urban transport
– Alternative fuels infrastructure

  • Depending on the status after call 5 and 6, the MA and the NMO may choose to target the 7th call to cover only some areas if there is a need to do so for a better outcome towards the goals of the programme. 

The Programme Document defines the structure and functions of the Interreg Aurora Programme 2021-2027. The Summary of the Interreg Aurora Programme 2021-2027 is also at your disposal.

The Steering Committees for sub-area Aurora and sub-area Sápmi will meet in January 2026 to prioritize on the project proposals.

Call 6, 17 February – 17 March 2025

The sixth call for project proposals of the Interreg Aurora Programme 2021- 2027 will be open from 17 February until 17 March 2025. Applications will be accepted until 24:00 (CET) the 17 March. The recommendation is to submit applications during business hours, when it is possible to get support. 

General terms: 

  • A regular project can apply: 

– a maximum of 50% of Norwegian costs but no more than 200 000 EUR (2 mill. NOK) from the IR-funding

– a maximum of 65% of EU-partners costs (so far no limit in the amount for the EU-funding).

  • Interreg Aurora will support Operations of Strategic Importance.
  • The last possible end date for project durations is the 31 December 2028.

Specific terms for call 6: 

  • Sub-area Sápmi: All Priorities and Specific Objectives will be open for project applications regarding EU-funding and IR-funding.
  • Sub-area Aurora: All Priorities and Specific Objectives will be open for project applications regarding EU-funding and IR-funding.
  • Applications within specific objective 1.1 (Smart specialization, research and innovation) will receive one extra point in the assessment if they work with: 

– Research and innovation activities in small and medium-sized enterprises, including networking

  • Applications within Priority 1; Specific objective 1.2 (Competitiveness of SMEs) will receive one extra point in the assessment if they work with:

– SME business development and internationalisation, including productive investments

  • Applications within Priority 2; Specific objective 2.1 (Climate change adaptation) will receive one extra point in the assessment if they work with:

– Water management and water resource conservation (including river basin management, specific climate change adaptation measures, reuse, leakage reduction)

  • Applications within Priority 2; Specific objective 2.2 (Nature protection and biodiversity) will receive one extra point in the assessment if they work with:

– Air quality and noise reduction measures
– Protection, restoration and sustainable use of Natura 2000 sites

  • Applications within Priority 2; Specific objective 2.3 (Sustainable mobility) will receive one extra point in the assessment if they work with:

– Clean urban transport infrastructure that enables the operation of zero-emission
– Digitalisation of transport when dedicated in part to greenhouse gas emissions reduction: urban transport
– Alternative fuels infrastructure

The Programme Document defines the structure and functions of the Interreg Aurora Programme 2021-2027. The Summary of the Interreg Aurora Programme 2021-2027 is also at your disposal.

The Steering Committees for sub-area Aurora and sub-area Sápmi will meet in June 2025 to prioritize on the project proposals.

You have the possibility to get written feedback and consultations based on a filled-in project idea form. You find the Programme Document and the template for project idea here. You must use the project idea form that is uploaded on this webpage, please note that the template is updated in January 2024.

You will have the possibility to submit the project idea template concerning Call 6 to between 20.1.2025 – 14.2.2025.

Call 5, 9 September – 7 October 2024

The fifth call for project proposals of the Interreg Aurora Programme 2021- 2027 will be open from 9 September until 7 October 2024. Applications will be accepted until 24:00 (CET) the 7 October. The recommendation is to submit applications during business hours, when it is possible to get support. 

All Priorities and Specific Objectives will be open for project applications regarding EU-funding and Norwegian IR-funding in both sub-areas (Sápmi and Aurora).

A regular project can apply a maximum of 200 000 EUR (2 mill. NOK) from the IR-funding. So far no limit for the EU-funding in regular projects.

The last possible end date for project durations is the 31st of Dec 2028.

After a review of the so far approved projects, the programme has identified some areas that will be prioritized in order to reach the overall programme objectives in accordance with the recommendations of the European Commission. Projects within the following areas will receive one extra point in the selection of projects:

Priority 1; Specific objective 1.1 (Smart specialization, research and innovation)
– Research and innovation activities in small and medium-sized enterprises, including networking

Priority 1; Specific objective 1.2 (Competitiveness of SMEs)
– SME business development and internationalisation, including productive investments

Priority 2; Specific objective 2.1 (Climate change adaptation)
– Water management and water resource conservation (including river basin management, specific climate change adaptation measures, reuse, leakage reduction)

Priority 2; Specific objective 2.2 Nature protection and biodiversity
– Air quality and noise reduction measures
– Protection, restoration and sustainable use of Natura 2000 sites

Priority 2; Specific objective 2.3 Sustainable mobility
– Clean urban transport infrastructure that enables the operation of zero-emission
– Digitalisation of transport when dedicated in part to greenhouse gas emissions reduction: urban transport
– Alternative fuels infrastructure

Specific note for applications within priority 2: The main focus of projects in priority 2 shall be on implementation, and not primarily research.

Aurora will support Operations of Strategic Importance.

The Programme Document defines the structure and functions of the Interreg Aurora Programme 2021-2027. The Summary of the Interreg Aurora Programme 2021-2027 is also at your disposal.

From the 15th of August, 2024, the programme provides a budget template in Excel which is optional to use as a help when creating the budget that shall be registered in Min ansökan. The budget template can be found on the webpage For project applicants.

The Steering Committees for sub-area Aurora and sub-area Sápmi will meet in January 2025 to prioritize on the project proposals.

You have the possibility to get written feedback and consultations based on a filled-in project idea form. You find the Programme Document and the template for project idea here. You must use the project idea form that is uploaded on this webpage, please note that the template is updated in January 2024.

You will have the possibility to submit the project idea template concerning Call 5 to between 12.8.2024 – 6.9.2024.

Call 4, 5 February – 5 March 2024

The fourth call for project proposals of the Interreg Aurora Programme 2021- 2027 will be open from 5 February until 5 March 2024. Applications will be accepted until 24:00 (CET) the 5 March. The recommendation is to submit applications during business hours, when it is possible to get support. 

All Priorities and Specific Objectives will be open for project applications regarding EU-funding. Priority 2 is closed for Norwegian IR-funding. A project can apply a maximum of 200 000 EUR (2 mill. NOK) in IR-funding.

Aurora will support Operations of Strategic Importance.

The Programme Document defines the structure and functions of the Interreg Aurora Programme 2021-2027. The Summary of the Interreg Aurora Programme 2021-2027 is also at your disposal.

The Steering Committees for sub-area Sápmi and Aurora will meet in June 2024 to prioritize the project proposals.

You have the possibility to get written feedback and consultations based on a filled-in project idea form. You find the Programme Document and the template for project idea here

You will have the possibility to submit the project idea template concerning Call 4 to between 2.1.2024 – 2.2.2024.

CLOSED! Call 3, 5 September – 10 October 2023

The third call for project proposals of the Interreg Aurora Programme 2021- 2027 will be open from 5 September until 10 October 2023. The electronical application system is open until 24:00 (CET) the 10 October. The recommendation is to submit applications during business hours, when it is possible to get support. 

In sub-area Sápmi it is possible to apply for EU-funding and Norwegian IR-funding within all Priorities and all Specific Objectives. 

In sub-area Aurora it is possible to apply for EU-funding and Norwegian IR- funding within all Priorities and all Specific Objectives except 1.1 Smart specialisation, research and innovation, which will be closed during the third call. 

The Programme Document defines the structure and functions of the Interreg Aurora Programme 2021-2027. The Summary of the Interreg Aurora Programme 2021-2027 is also at your disposal.

The Steering Committees for sub-area Sápmi and Aurora will meet in January 2024 to prioritize the project proposals. Interreg Aurora will support Operations of Strategic Importance

You have the possibility to get written feedback and consultations based on a filled-in project idea form. You find the Programme Document and the template for project idea here

You can submit the project idea template concerning Call 3 to between 7.8.2023 – 1.9.2023.

List of approved projects Interreg Aurora, call 3

CLOSED! Call 2, 1 February – 28 March 2023

The second call for project proposals of the Interreg Aurora Programme 2021-2027 will be open from 1 February until 28 March 2023. All Priorities and Specific Objectives will be open for project applications both for EU-funding and Norwegian IR-funding. 

In the second call, project applications in all Priorites in sub-area Sápmi are of particular interest and in sub-area Aurora project applications in Priority 2 addressing the development of green and sustainable transition are of particular interest.

The Steering Committees for sub-area Aurora and sub-area Sápmi will meet in June 2023 to prioritize on project proposals. Interreg Aurora will support Operations of Strategic Importance.

The Programme Document defines the structure and functions of the Interreg Aurora Programme 2021-2027.

You have the possibility to get written feedback and consultations based on a filled-in project idea form. You find the Programme Document and the template for project idea here.

You can submit the project idea template concerning Call 2 to between 1.12.2022 – 15.1.2023.

List of approved projects Interreg Aurora, call 2


CLOSED! Call 1, 21 June – 31 August 2022

The very first call for project proposals of the Interreg Aurora Programme 2021-2027 for regular projects will be open from 21 June until 31 August 2022. All Priorities and Specific Objectives will be open for project applications. Interreg Aurora will support Operations of Strategic Importance.

The Steering Committees for sub-area Aurora and sub-area Sápmi will meet in the middle of November 2022 to prioritize the project proposals. Please note that also all Small-scale projects submitted during the autumn will be selected by the Steering Committees in the middle of November.

The Programme Document defines the structure and functions of the Interreg Aurora Programme 2021-2027. The Programme document was approved by European Commission on May 31.

If you plan to apply in the first call and want feed-back before the summer holidays, you must submit the project idea template no later than the 31 May 2022. After that, the Joint Secretariat has no possibility to give you any feedback for call 1.

List of approved projects Interreg Aurora, call 1